Wicked the Musical Work Placement
My first day consisted of transferring extra rehearsal props that were stored at the Victoria Apollo Theatre to the rehearsal room. Once all the props were in the rehearsal room, I was set my fisrt task which was to create a props table that the actors were to use in rehearsal.
One of my weakness is Marking up and Wicked's mark up was very complicated as you can Imagine. However, with their help I was able to overcome this difficulty and even managed to complete mark ups on my own.
Over the next couple of weeks I was in the rehearsal room, with tasks such as marking people in and making sure they were in the correct room. I felt as if they were all treating me as one of the company rather than just a work experience. As time went on, I gradually began to learn the plot for SL and SR which allowed me in rehearsal to take on a plot myself. For example, some days I would be handling props on SL on my own, this allowed me to take on lot more responsibility. However, this became testing when gradually more scenes were blocked and finally the whole show. Therefore, being focused throughout was esstenial to ensure all actors got their correct props, but also staying alert for any ques to bring on certain pieces of set.
During the last couple of weeks, I was told I could shadow one of the ASM on an evening show at the Victoria Apollo Theatre. After shadowing an ASM serval times, I was eventually doing SL on my own with the ASM watching and supervising me. I felt an immense satifaction to know I was capable of carrying out a Wing by myself and given the responsibilty to do it. However, in the West End to become an ASM you have to be able to Que the show as well. Wicked's Book, like most musicals in the West End are at some points extremly fast. Therefore, as I cannot read music I found it really hard to keep up when watching the ASM Que the show. However, they had reassured me it does take time and you do not nessarily need to know how to read music.
During tech week, I was helping out on both SL and SR, my responsibly was to help the ASM with anything they requested. It was hard for the new cast of actors as they were only familiar with the rehearsal room, therefore I would help the actors with where they were supposed to be.
Wicked have the most fantastic Crew, who are amazing to work with making you feel very welcome and are willing and eager to help you learn. Wicked press night was a total success and I feel very privileged to have worked with such an amazing company.